Candidates for NeuroStar TMS Therapy in Fort Wayne

NeuroStar transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy is a non-invasive and medication-free procedure that can offer hope when you have treatment-resistant depression or are looking for a non-pharmaceutical option that can help reduce or treat your symptoms.

However, potential candidates for NeuroStar TMS therapy in Fort Wayne must fulfill specific criteria. We encourage you to call us today and schedule a consultation to learn more about NeuroStar TMS and how it can help your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Who Are Candidates for NeuroStar TMS Therapy?

When traditional treatment options have not addressed your symptoms successfully, you might consider NeuroStar TMS therapy. Unlike medication, which affects your cells and can trigger side effects, such as sexual dysfunction, fatigue, and constipation, NeuroStar TMS targets areas of the brain and does not have systemic side effects of medications.

While some people experience side effects from NeuroStar TMS, they are typically minor and transient. A complete NeuroStar treatment cycle requires treatment five days per week for seven weeks, depending on your condition and how you respond. Eligible candidates must commit to the treatment schedule and understand that most common side effects will usually resolve after the first week.

Conditions TMS Therapy Treats

Candidates for Fort Wayne NeuroStar TMS therapy must have a mental health condition that will respond to TMS, such as major depressive disorder (MDD). MDD typically includes depressive episodes that last at least two weeks and significantly impair your ability to function daily.

Another approved condition is obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which affects an estimated 2.5 million Americans each year. Nearly half of people with OCD do not respond to exposure and response prevention therapy, the gold standard of treatment. NeuroStar TMS has proven to be successful as an adjunct  therapy for people with OCD to reduce symptoms and improve their quality of life.

Who Is Not a Candidate for NeuroStar TMS Therapy?

While NeuroStar TMS is generally safe, it is not the right choice for everyone. The treatment uses magnetic fields, so it is unsafe if you have implanted metal devices, such as cochlear implants, pacemakers, deep brain stimulators, or tattoos created with ferromagnetic ink.

The FDA has also cleared the use of NeuroStar TMS for adolescents aged 15 to 21 with MDD as an adjunctive treatment.

The treatment generates minor electrical currents in the brain using electromagnetic fields. However, people in Fort Wayne with a history of seizures, a seizure disorder, head trauma, brain tumor, or increased intracranial pressure are not eligible candidates for NeuroStar TMS therapy. Likewise, people with dementia, cerebral vascular diseases, or neurologically degenerative disorders are also not good candidates.

Is NeuroStar Right for Me?

If you have been diagnosed with MDD and traditional antidepressant medications and psychotherapy have not relieved your symptoms, NeuroStar TMS treatment in Fort Wayne may be the right choice for you. NeuroStar TMS therapy is not like electroconvulsive therapy and does not require surgery.

NeuroStar is an in-office treatment that can last from 20 to 30 minutes. Because no anesthesia or pain medication is required, you can leave the office and go about your daily activities immediately afterward. The FDA cleared NeuroStar TMS therapy in 2008 for treatment-resistant depression, and it has since gained greater acceptance as years of scientific data demonstrate its effectiveness.

Data show that 83 percent of people who complete their treatment cycle with NeuroStar TMS experience measurable improvements in their depression symptoms, and 62 percent experience remission, the complete elimination of symptoms. **

NeuroStar TMS treats MDD and anxiety symptoms associated with depression, showing durable symptom relief for up to one year. More than 6.9 million treatments have been administered, and clinical trials have demonstrated that NeuroStar does not adversely affect memory or concentration.

Learn More About Your Candidacy for NeuroStar TMS Therapy in Fort Wayne

Treatment-resistant depression is challenging and disruptive. When traditional treatments have not successfully alleviated your symptoms of MDD, OCD, or comorbid anxiety related to depression, call us to schedule a consultation and learn more about whether you are a candidate for NeuroStar TMS therapy in Fort Wayne.

**Outcomes Registry data was published by Sackeim HA, et al. J Affective Disorders, 2020, 277(12):65-74. The outcomes reported represent the subset of study patients for which the CGI-S data was reported before and after an acute course of NeuroStar TMS. Patients were treated under real-world conditions where patients may have been prescribed concomitant depression treatments including medications. “Measurable relief” was defined as a CGI-S score <=3 and “complete remission” was defined as a CGI-S score <=2 at the end of treatment.

Adult Indications for Use 

The NeuroStar Advanced Therapy System is indicated for the treatment of depressive episodes and for decreasing anxiety symptoms for those who may exhibit comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) and who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from previous antidepressant medication treatment in the current episode. 

The NeuroStar Advanced Therapy System is intended to be used as an adjunct for the treatment of adult patients suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). 

Adolescent Indications for Use 

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is indicated as an adjunct for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in adolescent patients (15-21). 

Important Safety Information 

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is only available by prescription. A doctor can help decide if NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is right for you. Patients’ results may vary. 

The most common side effect is pain or discomfort at or near the treatment site. These events are transient; they occur during the TMS treatment course and do not occur for most patients after the first week of treatment. There is a rare risk of seizure associated with the use of TMS therapy (<0.1% per patient). 

Visit for full safety and prescribing information.